Sunday 12 August 2012


The day was rainy and cold, I was tired from the evening before, so I was glad about to roll down from the Mendip Hills right into The Vicars Close in Wells. The sun came out, so I made some pics before I went to the camp site.

I'm quite sure these chimneys could be the winner of the competition...

I was quite impressed of the town, so I decided to stay another day and take a look at the cathedral.
In the next morning I arrived the cathedral in the right moment, as a guided tour just started. So here she is, the first example for an english cathedral in the new gothic style. I must say, I was really impressed, so here are a lot of pics.

1 comment:

  1. They really knew how to build those towns and Cathedrals in the distant past,this is Englands heritage and it will be maintained by caring hands.
