Saturday 30 March 2013

Another Day Of Winter

Did hardly not believe what I saw as I looked out of the window. It was snowing again. Anyhow, I decided to take a walk along the river Weser and try out my new camera. One new automatic function is the possibility to make panorama pictures. To watch them big, click on the pics!

As I came closer to the city I took a look on the flea market where I met some of my friends :)

I went over Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke and walked back on the other side of the river.

From here I took the small ferry Ostertor back to the other side, where i went back over the ecological market.


  1. Oh wow, do we see more of these ultra panoramas now?
    Congratulations to the new camera, viti! Seems to me the new Lumix has good picture quality and strong red tones, too.
    Also ... seagull pics, FTW!

  2. i am a londoner, but i was once in Germany, and recognise some of those places. nice pictures. gutes gruzes. robert.
